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River Channel Cross-Sections, Middle Humboldt River, North-Central Nevada

September 14, 2018
The USGS and Newmont Mining Corp. surveyed 51 cross sections to determine hydraulic characteristics throughout 12 model reaches. The accuracy of the surveyed cross sections is believed to be +/- 0.5 ft. Field surveys included measuring the channel cross section up to the approximate altitude of the highest flood and includes auxiliary channels. Surveyed cross sections generally were at representative locations about every 3 miles along the Humboldt River channel. In areas where long overbank sections occurred, supplemental altitudes were determined from topographic maps in order to extend surveyed parts of cross sections so that each section represented the full width of the floodplain. In this dataset there is a known discrepancy in the length of the cross-sections between the left-bank and right bank monuments. The calculated distance between the left-bank and right-bank coordinate pairs often does not match the length presented in the "Station ft" column between the left-bank monument and the right-bank monument. This dataset is being released as is.
Publication Year 2018
Title River Channel Cross-Sections, Middle Humboldt River, North-Central Nevada
DOI 10.5066/F73X85WM
Authors Glen W. Hess, Jonathan Arthur, Russell W. Plume
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Nevada Water Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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