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Update of the Database for Volcanic Processes and Geology of Augustine Volcano, Alaska to National Geologic Map Schema

July 12, 2024

The geologic map database in this data release is a reproduction of the U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1762: Volcanic Processes and Geology of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, Waitt and Begét (2009). The database consists of a geologic map and one structural cross section that conform to the National Geologic Map Schema (GeMS). These data supersede USGS Data Series 677: Database for Volcanic Processes and Geology of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, McIntire and others, 2012. Augustine Island (volcano) in lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, has erupted repeatedly in late-Holocene and historical times. Eruptions typically beget high-energy volcanic processes. Most notable are bouldery debris avalanches containing immense angular clasts shed from summit domes. Coarse deposits of these avalanches form much of Augustine's lower flanks. This geologic map, at 1:25,000, show the distribution and relations of volcanic units at Augustine Volcano. This database does not reproduce all elements of the original publication. Omissions include the chart and figures showing the measured sections on Augustine Island and Shuyak Island, Alaska, and the chart and diagram for the correlation of map units. Versions of these data are provided in open-access formats that are compatible with a broad range of geospatial applications. The open-access data is derived from the Esri geodatabase using a python script downloadable at Vector data are provided as shapefiles and tabular data are provided in *.txt and *.csv formats. Any shapefiles derived from the geodatabase may have prefixes of GM_[filename] and CS_[filename] indicating features are part of the geologic map or a structural cross section, respectively. Attribute table field names may be automatically abbreviated or shortened to 10 characters to conform with the shapefile format. The annotation feature class (a native format of the Esri file geodatabase) for the structural cross section is omitted because there is no equivalent open file type. Symbology layer files (*.lyrx) are provided for symbolizing the map using the intended symbols, lines, fills and patterns and a copy of the database. We recommend Esri software users set the display reference scale between 1:10,000 and 1:24,000 for optimal display of symbology, and enable the Maplex labeling engine for optimal display of labels. Users of this database are highly encouraged to cross reference this database with the original publication.

Publication Year 2024
Title Update of the Database for Volcanic Processes and Geology of Augustine Volcano, Alaska to National Geologic Map Schema
DOI 10.5066/P13QOVKJ
Authors Blair E Stuhlmuller, Joseph A Bard, Jacqueline McIntire, David W Ramsey, Evan E Thoms, Richard B Waitt, J.E. Begét
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization USGS Volcano Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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