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Velocity and Bathymetric Data near Outlet Structures for the City of Omaha Water Resource Recovery Facilities on the Missouri River, 2020

May 9, 2022

These data sets were derived from surveys at the Missouri River and Papillion Creek Water Resource Recovery Facility outfalls on the Missouri River. Each site had three transects, one at the outfall, one 45.7 meters upstream of the outfall and one 45.7 meters downstream of the outfall. Velocity and depth data were collected using an acoustic Doppler current profiler at each transect. Elevations of water surface, bank topography, and shallow channel bed elevations were collected at each transect using survey grade Global Navigation and Satellite System instruments connected to the High Precision Real-Time Kinematic (HPRTK) correction service ( Data were processed using Velocity Mapping Toolbox: a processing and visualization suite for moving-vessel acoustic Doppler current profiler measurements, Parsons and others, 2013. Data from the surveyed cross-section at the outfall of each site were also processed to estimate discharge during the time of the survey. The discharge during data collection at the Papillion Creek Water Resource Recovery Facility outfall was 1,005 cubic meters per second (35,500 cubic feet per second) at around 4:00 pm central standard time and at the Missouri River Water Resource Recovery Facility outfall was 1,020 cubic meters per second (36,000 cubic feet per second) at around 6:00 pm central standard time. This data release contains two comma separated value files. The file named Missouri_River_Papillion_Creek_WRRF_BedElevations&Topopoints_UTM15M.csv contains Universal Transverse Mercator zone 15 Northing, Easting, and elevation information for all survey points including bathymetry and Global Navigation and Satellite System data and the Water Resource Recovery Facility where the data were collected. The file named Missouri_River_Papillion_Creek_WRRF_Velocity_UTM15M.csv contains velocity specific positioning data and depth averaged velocity data.

Publication Year 2022
Title Velocity and Bathymetric Data near Outlet Structures for the City of Omaha Water Resource Recovery Facilities on the Missouri River, 2020
DOI 10.5066/P9VGMQ8H
Authors Justin Krahulik, Brenda K Densmore
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Nebraska Water Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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