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Water-level data and results for slug tests performed in 17 wells in Wake County, North Carolina, 2020 and 2021

March 13, 2023

A water-supply plan is being developed for Wake County, North Carolina, in accordance with the 50-year planning window used by the North Carolina Division of Water Resources for residents in unincorporated areas of the county. To develop this supply plan, Wake County seeks to better understand the sustainability of groundwater resources of the regolith/fractured-rock aquifer system. Slug tests were performed in 17 wells in the Wake County area, during 2020 and 2021, to provide values of horizontal hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity to support the development of Wake County’s water-supply plan. Wake County is in the Piedmont physiographic province. The two principal aquifers are nonconsolidated regolith overlying fractured-crystalline rock. The regolith is weathered remains of crystalline rock. Most of the groundwater storage is within the regolith. The fracture-crystalline rock is mostly metamorphic rock with igneous intrusions and some Triassic sedimentary rock. This data release is made up of 17 directories, one for each well, plus general support files. Within the 17 well directories are files specific to the wells. Files in each directory include water-level data files as recorded by In-Situ Level Troll 700 self-logging pressure transducer during the time that one or two slug tests were being performed in the well, culled-data files containing small, manageable time-series of water levels that represent the slug test, and a copy of the field form. The culled data were analyzed in an analysis_BR spreadsheet that uses concepts from the Bouwer and Rice (1976) and is described in Halford and Kuniansky (2002). This data release also contains support files that summarize information about the data files and culled-data files, well characteristics, analyses, results, manual water-level measurements, and metadata (*.xml and README.txt).

Publication Year 2023
Title Water-level data and results for slug tests performed in 17 wells in Wake County, North Carolina, 2020 and 2021
DOI 10.5066/P9UC8F3Z
Authors Gerard J Gonthier, Dominick Antolino
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization South Atlantic Water Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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