This list was compiled by Kathy Malloy and Sharon Lavendar, Lafayette Parish Library, Children's Department.
- Amsel, S. 1993. A wetland walk. Millbrook Press. (preschool-3rd grade level)
- Catherall, E. 1990. Exploring soil and rocks. Wayland. (4th-8th grade level)
- Cowing, S. 1980. Our wild wetlands. Julian Messner. (4th-8th grade level)
- Fodor, R.V. 1983. Chiseling the earth. Enslow Publishers. (4th-8th grade level)
- Grove, N. 1984. Wild lands for wildlife. National Geographic Society. (4th-8th grade level)
- Hare, T. 1991. Vanishing habitats. Gloucester Press. (preschool-3rd grade level)
- Hirschi, R. 1994. Save our wetlands. Delacorte. (4th-8th grade level)
- Holmes, A. 1993. I can save the earth. Julian Messner. (4th-8th grade level)
- Lepthien, E.U. 1993. Wetlands. Children's Press. (preschool-3rd grade level)
- Liptak, K. 1991. Saving our wetlands and their wildlife. Watts. (4th-8th grade level)
- Luenn, N. 1994. Squish!: a wetland walk. Atheneum. (preschool-3rd grade level)
- Mattson, M.T. 1993. The Scholastic environmental Atlas of the United States. Scholastic. (4th-8th grade level)
- Miller, C.G. 1989. Coastal rescue: preserving our seashores. Atheneum. (4th-8th grade level)
- National Geographic Society. 1995. Animal kingdoms. (4th-8th grade level)
- Patent, D.H. 1992. Place of refuge. Clarion. (4th-8th grade level)
- Pringle, L.P. 1981. What shall we do with the land? Crowell. (4th-8th grade level)
- Schwartz, L. 1990. Earth book for kids. The Learning Works. (4th-8th grade level)
- Staub, F.J. 1995. America's wetlands. Carolrhoda. (4th-8th grade level)
- Stone, L.M. 1983. Marshes and swamps. Children's Press. (preschool-3rd grade level)
- Stone, L.M. 1989. Wetlands. Rourke. (4th-8th grade level)
- Willis, T. 1994. Healing the land. Children's Press. (4th-8th grade level)
- Willis, T. 1992. Land use and abuse. Children's Press. (4th-8th grade level)