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Hydrodynamic model output and image simulation code for evaluating image-based river velocimetry from a case study on the Sacramento River near Glenn, California

November 14, 2023

This data release includes the data and code used for the paper titled "A framework to facilitate development and testing of image-based river velocimetry algorithms", published in the journal Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Three *.csv files and five *.m files with MATLAB source code are included below. Each *.csv file contains output from a hydrodynamic model of a reach of the Sacramento River near Glenn, California, with a separate file for each of three different discharges (i.e., streamflow rates): 90, 191, and 255 cubic meters per second. The hydrodynamic model used for this purpose was the Nays2DH solver available within the International River Cooperative Interface (iRIC). Provided below is a link to the corresponding model archive, which indludes information on how to obtain the model executable, the data used as input to the model, and a summary of the model calibration.

The modeled flow fields summarized in these files served as input for a case study illustrating a framework for Simulating Hydraulics and Images for Velocimetry Evaluation and Refinement (SHIVER), intended to facilitate the development and testing of image-based river velocimetry algorithms. The *.m files included with this data release are made available to illustrate how this approach is implemented within the context of a particular case study.

More specifically, SacSHIVERscript.m is a MATLAB script is intended to be run in sequence, with each section corresponding to a different step in the SHIVER framework. The other four *.m files are functions called by SacSHIVERscript.m, with createParticles.m used to produce an initial synthetic particle map, importNays.m used to import the hydrodynamic model output, pushParticles.m used to advect the particles from frame to frame as dictated by the modeled flow field, and createImages.m used to convert the synthetic particle maps to simulated images suitable for input to a particle image velocimetry (PIV) algorithm. The *.m files are thoroughly documented, with numerous comments to facilitate understanding of the code.

Publication Year 2023
Title Hydrodynamic model output and image simulation code for evaluating image-based river velocimetry from a case study on the Sacramento River near Glenn, California
DOI 10.5066/P9C19Z0S
Authors Carl J Legleiter, Paul J Kinzel
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Water Resources Mission Area - Headquarters
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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