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Eastern Energy and Environmental Laboratory (EEEL)

The Eastern Energy and Environmental Laboratory (EEEL) works on a variety of projects related to the environmental and human health effects of energy resource extraction and use, and microbial processes linked to oil and gas production. EEEL is located in the USGS National Center in Reston, Virginia, but collaborates with both domestic and international cooperators.


Non-mercury methylating microbial taxa are integral to understanding links between mercury methylation and elemental cycles in marine and freshwater sediments

The goal of this study was to explore the role of non-mercury (Hg) methylating taxa in mercury methylation and to identify potential links between elemental cycles and Hg methylation. Statistical approaches were utilized to investigate the microbial community and biochemical functions in relation to methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations in marine and freshwater sediments. Sediments were...
Yong-Li Wang, Kaoru Ikuma, Scott C. Brooks, Matthew S. Varonka, Amrika Deonarine

Chemical composition of leachates from hydraulic fracturing proppants from surficial releases in southeastern New Mexico

Resin-coated proppants (RCPs) are used in hydraulic fracturing of oil and gas wells to improve well performance; however, these proppants could be a cause for environmental concern if they are disposed of improperly. In this study, we investigate the water-leachable organic and inorganic constituents from proppants collected from surficial releases of RCPs in southeastern New Mexico...
Matthew S. Varonka, Terry G. Gregston, Michael Villalobos, Jacqueline Benefield, William H. Orem


Advancements in Geochemistry and Geomicrobiology of Energy Resources (AGGER)

The AGGER project’s purpose is to advance the understanding of geologic energy sources, generation, composition, movement, and production potential, including resource recovery from energy wastes.

Advancements in Geochemistry and Geomicrobiology of Energy Resources (AGGER)

The AGGER project’s purpose is to advance the understanding of geologic energy sources, generation, composition, movement, and production potential, including resource recovery from energy wastes.
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