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This report outlines options for monitoring the status and population trends of golden eagles, a species specifically targeted for conservation under the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP) of southern California.

Development of wind and solar energy projects in the DRECP area poses a unique challenge to land managers because of golden eagles’ vulnerability to collisions with wind turbines and sensitivity to increases in human land-use. Research and monitoring of golden eagles are necessary to ensure that the biological goals and standards of the DRECP are achieved while promoting wildlife-compatible renewable energy development. The report profiles the ecology and status of golden eagles and their habitats in the Plan area, provides a range of potential sampling options to address monitoring needs and objectives, and characterizes an iterative approach to monitoring that focuses on linkages between changes in human land-use, nesting and foraging habitat conditions, and population demography of golden eagles. The adaptive, multi-scale scheme of the proposed monitoring framework provides decision makers with a periodic, scientifically rigorous evaluation of the status of golden eagles in the DRECP area.

Wiens, J.D., Kolar, P.S., Katzner, T.E., 2018, Golden Eagle Monitoring Plan for the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan: California Energy Commission Publication number: CEC-500-2018-008, 99p,

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