SYNthetic DEPTH Phase Modeling (SYNDEPTH)
This python code models event depths by comparing high-frequency (~0.5-0.04 Hz) teleseismic body-wave waveforms to synthetics. High-frequency body waves contain depth information, primarily in the form of depth phases. While lower frequencies are used to generate moment tensor solutions, high-frequency body waves allow for more accurate estimates of source depth. A moment tensor solution must exist for an event to perform the syndepth modeling. This code takes an NEIC event ID, grabs parametric data, including moment tensor information from the COMCAT database, grabs waveform data, and performs a search to find the best fitting source depth and apparent event source-time function. Generally, this tool is most appropriate for events between ~M5.5-7.5, which are globally observed and have relatively short source-time functions.
Citation Information
Publication Year | 2023 |
Title | SYNthetic DEPTH Phase Modeling (SYNDEPTH) |
DOI | 10.5066/P924LDLT |
Authors | William L Yeck, John Patton |
Product Type | Software Release |
Record Source | USGS Digital Object Identifier Catalog |
USGS Organization | Earthquake Hazards Program |