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A Notice by the United States Geological Survey on February 8, 2023

Agency: U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior.
Action: Notice of public comment period and notice of availability.

In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has initiated a 30-day public comment period and issued a Notice of Availability for an Environmental Assessment (EA) of a proposed laboratory and office facility to support USGS and Colorado School of Mines Energy and Mineral Science Operations. In addition, an informational meeting will be held at the Colorado School of Mines.

The public comment period will be open from February 8th–March 9th. A public meeting will be held on February 15, 2023, from 5:00–8:00 pm in Ballrooms B and C of the Ben H. Parker Student Center, on the Colorado School of Mines Campus in Golden, CO.

For Further Information Contact:
Questions and requests for additional information may be directed to Eva Bryson, Environmental Manager at:



Eva J. Bryson U.S. Geological Survey
PO Box 25046, MS 205
Lakewood, CO 80225

Supplementary Information:
The objective of the EA is to identify and analyze potential impacts from the proposed construction of the new USGS Energy and Minerals Research Facility (EMRF) on the Colorado School of Mines (Mines) campus in Golden, CO. The project has been proposed in response to deteriorating conditions at existing USGS research facilities located on the Denver Federal Center campus in Lakewood, CO. These existing facilities lack the ability to provide a safe working environment for employees and the environmental controls needed to safely house and operate precision laboratory equipment owned by USGS. In
addition, the layout and location of these facilities prevents the collaborative research environment
desired by USGS. The EMRF would provide modern and safe facilities and collaborative research
opportunities between USGS staff and Mines staff and students.

Information about the EMRF, including the Draft EA, is available to the public through the USGS websites
and public meeting (detailed below). To provide comments, complete the online comment form
between February 8th–March 9th.

Project Website…-

Environmental Assessment Website…

Online Comment Form

Public Meeting
5:00–8:00 pm, February 15, 2023
Ben H. Parker Student Center, Ballrooms B and C, Colorado School of Mines
1200 16th Street
Golden, CO 80401

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