Cyndy Loftin, PhD
Regional Supervisor - Northeast Units - Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units
Research Interests
Dr. Loftin's interests in systems, landscape, and wetlands ecology drive her research program involving wetlands restoration issues. Her research interest is aquatic ecology with an emphasis on conservation and restoration of perturbed, freshwater systems. The research program encompasses two concentrations: hydrological influences on aquatic vegetation dynamics and identifying effects of selected human-introduced stressors on Maine’s aquatic systems and their inhabitants. Current studies include identifying effects of fish introductions on invertebrate and amphibian communities in Maine's naturally fishless lakes; examining amphibian use of aquatic systems and the surrounding terrestrial landscape; identifying characteristics of wetlands supporting shrubby cinquefoil, host plant for Clayton's copper butterfly; developing algorithms with remote sensing data to estimate water clarity in Maine's lakes; examining uptake of marine derived nutrients by food web components in Atlantic salmon nursery streams; developing methods to remotely monitor disturbance of nesting seabirds; and, studying vegetation response to fire in Okefenokee Swamp, GA.
Teaching Interests
Dr. Loftin teaches a graduate level course (INT527 Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Natural Resource Management; 3 credits lecture and lab) each fall semester at the University of Maine. The course is team taught with Dr. Steven Sader, UMaine School of Forest Resources, and provides instruction on using remote sensing and GIS tools to conduct spatial analysis for projects with a conservation focus.
Professional Experience
Supervisor, Cooperative Research Units Program Headquarters, 2021-
Education and Certifications
Ph D University of Florida 1998
MS Auburn University 1987
BA University of Virginia 1984