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Attitude, movement history, and structure of cataclastic rocks of the Flemington Fault results of core drilling near Oldwick, New Jersey

January 1, 1985

Since 1978, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has cored cataclastic rocks at six localities along border faults of the Early Mesozoic Newark basin in New York and New Jersey. This drilling was done as part of fault definition studies for the USGS Earthquake and Reactor Hazard Programs. The purposes of these studies are to: (1) determine the attitude and location of major faults, (2) assess evidence for recent reactivation, and (3) identify the movement history and depth of formation of the faults. The results of these studies up to 1980 are summarized in Ratcliffe (1980) and a study of a site in Rockland County, N.Y. appears in Ratcliffe 1982).

The attitude and movement history of these faults is particularly important because of the possible association of recent low-level seismicity in the New York-New Jersey area with the Ramapo-Flemington fault system (Aggarwal and Sykes, 1978). Previous studies have shown that the Ramapo fault dips to the southeast at angles varying from 70° to 45° and strikes N. 40° E. to N. 10° E. In all of the cored fault zones, the actual contact of hanging-wall and footwall blocks is expressed as a relatively narrow zone, 3 to 8 inches thick, of dark, finely comminuted, fluxionbanded gouge. The intensity of cataclasis decreases rapidly upwards so that rocks 60 ft or so above the fault are not strongly cataclastic. Gneiss, dolostone, and phyllonite in the footwall block are generally weakly deformed more than 30 ft below the fault. Movement sense on the Ramapo fault is largely dip-slip and right-oblique normal faulting.

In the summer of 1983, two holes were drilled through the border fault of the Newark basin near Oldwick, New Jersey, in the Gladstone 7.5minute quadrangle. Figure 1A shows the location of the drill site in relation to regional geology and the major faults. The fault drilled in this study connects to the south with the Flemington fault, which trends southwestward across the Newark basin, as shown. To the north, the fault can be traced along the valley that extends towards Mendham, N. J., beyond the limits of exposed Mesozoic rocks, to connect with the Ramapo fault near Morristown N. J. (fig. 1A; Ratcliffe, 1980). For this reason, we use the name "Flemington" for the border fault in the region of the drill site. A detailed map (fig. 1B) shows the local geology along the border fault from Pottersville, N. J. southward to the axis of the Oldwick syncline.

Publication Year 1985
Title Attitude, movement history, and structure of cataclastic rocks of the Flemington Fault results of core drilling near Oldwick, New Jersey
DOI 10.3133/mf1781
Authors W.C. Burton, N.M. Ratcliffe
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Miscellaneous Field Studies Map
Series Number 1781
Index ID mf1781
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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