The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), conducted bathymetric surveys on four lakes in Iowa during 2003 (Don Williams Lake, Easter Lake, Lake Macbride, and Lake Meyer). The purpose of the surveys is to provide the IDNR with information for the development of total maximum daily load (TMDL) limits, in particular, for estimating sediment load and deposition rates. The bathymetric surveys can provide a baseline for future work on sediment loads and deposition rates for these lakes. All lakes surveyed in 2003 are man-made lakes with fixed spillways.
Bathymetric data were collected using boat-mounted, differential global positioning system (GPS) equipment, echo depth-sounding equipment, and computer software. Data were processed with commercial hydrographic software and exported into a geographic information system (GIS) for mapping and calculation of area and volume. Lake volume estimates ranged from 590,501,000 cubic feet (13,600 acre-feet) at Lake Macbride to 17,831,000 cubic feet (410 acre-feet) at Lake Meyer. Surface area estimates ranged from 38,118,000 square feet (875 acres) at Lake Macbride to 1,373,000 square feet (32 acres) at Lake Meyer.