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Geologic Map of the Poverty Bay 7.5' quadrangle, King and Pierce counties, Washington

January 1, 2004

The Poverty Bay quadrangle lies near the center of the region?s intensively developing urban core. Less than 20 km north lies the city of Seattle; downtown Tacoma lies just southwest of the quadrangle. The map area expresses much of the tremendous range of Quaternary environments and deposits found throughout the central Puget Lowland. Much of the ground surface is mantled by a rolling surface of glacial till deposited during the last occupation of the Puget Lowland by a great continental ice sheet about 14,000 years ago. A complex sequence of older unconsolidated sediments extends far below sea level across most of the quadrangle, with no bedrock exposures at all.

Publication Year 2004
Title Geologic Map of the Poverty Bay 7.5' quadrangle, King and Pierce counties, Washington
DOI 10.3133/sim2854
Authors Derek B. Booth, H.H. Waldron, K. G. Troost
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Scientific Investigations Map
Series Number 2854
Index ID sim2854
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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