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Maps showing distribution of beryllium in heavy-mineral concentrates and stream sediments, Richfield 1 degree by 2 degrees Quadrangle, Utah

January 1, 1985

These maps are part of a folio of maps of the Richfield 1o x 2o quadrangle, Utach, prepared under the Conterminous United States Mineral Assessment Program. Other publications in this folio are listed in the selected references. 

Located in west-central Utach, the Richfield quadrangle covers the eastern part of the Plioche-Marysvale ingeous and mineral belt, which extends from the vicinity of Plioche in southeastern Nevada east-northeastward for 250 km (155 mi) into central Utah. The western two-thirds of the Richfield quadrangle is in the Basin and Range province and the eastern third is in the High Plateaus of Utah, a subprovince of the Colorado Plateau. 

Publication Year 1985
Title Maps showing distribution of beryllium in heavy-mineral concentrates and stream sediments, Richfield 1 degree by 2 degrees Quadrangle, Utah
DOI 10.3133/mf1246D
Authors William R. Miller, Jerry M. Motooka, John B. McHugh
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Miscellaneous Field Studies Map
Series Number 1246
Index ID mf1246D
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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