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MOU between USGS and U.S. Energy Information Administration

MOU between USGS and U.S. Energy Information Administration
eia_usgs (1).docx (30.37 KB)

Detailed Description

Subject: Information Access Agreement
Date signed: 3/12/2012

This Agreement provides for the disclosure by the EIA of individually-identifiable survey information submitted to the EIA as confidential and for exclusively statistical purposes in accordance with the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002 (CIPSEA) to the USGS.  Upon execution of this Agreement, the EIA shall transmit confidential respondent-level information to the USGS.  This Agreement shall apply only to the information provided by the EIA to the USGS and shall not apply to information acquired by the USGS from other sources.  This information shall only be used for statistical purposes.


Public Domain.

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