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National Hydrography Goals Fiscal Years 2015-­2016-­2017

Detailed Description


The NHD and WBD are enabled by a comprehensive collection of surface water features, a strong data structure, a flow navigation system, linking of scientific information, and a continuous maintenance process through stewardship. NGP’s approach is to continuously acquire new and improved data with finer resolution, and improve that data’s integrity as part of an overall geospatial framework. It will effectively deliver the NHD and WBD using dataset downloads, web map and feature services, and readytouse map viewers. The program will build an integrated system of topographic data where the NHD, WBD, and 3DEP can work in an interoperable environment programmatically, spatially, and in the data structure. The NGP will enrich the information provided in these data by linking valueadded data events, and will continue to work within the water community to achieve increased integration of NHD with other datasets. It will keep pace with developments in geospatial technology by creating modern data models that maximize the power of GIS. The high resolution NHDPlus will be developed to meet the advancing needs of water science and management.


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