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TM00-04 Hach Turbidimeter 2100AN to replace Hach Turbidimeter 2100A for determination of turbidity in raw unfiltered water.

Detailed Description

On October 1, 2000, the NWQL will begin analyzing samples for turbidity using a Hach 2100AN Nephelometer. The new nephelometer will replace the current Hach instrument on June 1, 2001. The Hach 2100AN uses improved technology to determine turbidity. It is more efficient and produces more accurate results in the presence of color than the present instrument. Color from dissolved substances in water that absorb light, causes measured turbidities to be biased low. Data produced by the new instrument may be different from previous data produced on the Hach 2100A. These differences are site and matrix specific. Both lab codes may be requested at no additional charge until June 1, 2001, because of the possible effect to the data base.


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