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TM00-07 Elimination of Lead Analysis by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry

Detailed Description

The National Water Quality Laboratory (NWQL) will no longer offer lead (Pb) determinations by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES). This change applies to both filtered and whole-water recoverable (WWR) lab codes (LC 646 and LC 2360, respectively). Customers may elect to request Pb determinations by the Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) technique for filtered (LC 1792) or WWR (LC 2380) samples. Alternatively, Graphite Furnace-Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (GF-AAS) may be used for filtered (LC 1560) and WWR (LC 1561) Pb determinations. Customers should note that on October 1, 2000, all schedules containing LC 646 (Test ID 01049C) and 2360 (Test ID 01051H) will be swapped to the ICP-MS lab codes for lead determinations, LC 1792 (Test ID 01049G) and LC 2380 (Test ID 01051I), respectively, unless specified otherwise by the schedule owner.


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