TM22-02 New journal publication for use when citing the detection limit procedures and data reporting (reporting level) conventions applied to NWQL methods in USGS publications
Detailed Description
This memorandum alerts users of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Laboratory (NWQL) to a new publication that details the procedures used for determining and applying detection limits and reporting levels for results determined by NWQL methods. The citation for this journal article, shown formatted for use in USGS publications, is: Foreman, W.T., Williams, T.L., Furlong, E.T., Hemmerle, D.M., Stetson, S.J., Jha, V.K., Noriega, M.C., Decess, J.A., Reed-Parker, C., and Sandstrom, M.W., 2021, Comparison of detection limits estimated using single- and multi-concentration spike-based and blankbased procedures: Talanta, v. 228, article 122139, 15 p., accessed [enter date article accessed] at
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