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USGS Lidar Error Dictionary v.3.1

Detailed Description

The purpose of this dictionary is to provide standardized language to describe commonly encountered errors associated with Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) datasets submitted to the USGS data validation unit for ingestion into the National Map. This document will improve communication between 3D Elevation Program operations personnel, the project’s point of contact, contributors, partners, and contractors.

Although errors may be identified in secondary data products, the intent with error types in this document is to identify which product is causing the errors. For example, an error visually detected in the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) may be due to a point misclassification in the point cloud; therefore, this error would be referenced in the classified point cloud section.

The organization of this document is based on deliverable type. Within each deliverable type there are error types and subtypes. For example, Downstream Constraint is a subtype of Geometry Error which is an error type in the Breakline deliverable. Example images of most error subtypes are hyperlinked in its definition and can be found at the end of this document.


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