BAA FAQ Project Finances

Detailed Description
The first section of the “Project Finances” area of BAA Attachment A: Proposal Submission Tool includes checkboxes (highlighted in the image below) that are used to indicate the source of the cost estimate. The first checkbox should be used if the applicant has an IGCE from the USGS Geospatial products and Services (GPSC) Commercial Partnership Team. Applicants can submit BAA Attachment C: Request for a *PRELIMINARY Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE) to to request an IGCE. Attachment C must be submitted no later than October 1 of any BAA year.
The second checkbox, along with an explanation of the source of the estimate, should be used if using an estimate received from a lidar acquisition vendor or using another source or method.
Whichever source is used, the cost estimate and project square miles will be used to populate either the total estimated cost or the cost per square mile in the following section. After values are entered using the chosen method, hitting “TAB” will calculate a total project cost that will be auto populated in the funding table on the following page.
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