Bighorn Sheep Turning Toward Camera
By Communications and Publishing
2019 (approx.)
Detailed Description
Animated GIF of bighorn sheep pulled from the "Wildlife on the Nevada National Security Site" video by the USGS.
Public Domain.
Ecology and Conservation of Desert Bighorn Sheep
Dr. Kathleen Longshore’s goal is to understand how predator/prey relationships, disease and human-caused disturbance work separately and synergistically to impact bighorn sheep populations under variable ecological stress. Information from this project will provide managers with an understanding of specific and regional impacting factors that contribute to impact variation in population trends.
Ecology and Conservation of Desert Bighorn Sheep
Dr. Kathleen Longshore’s goal is to understand how predator/prey relationships, disease and human-caused disturbance work separately and synergistically to impact bighorn sheep populations under variable ecological stress. Information from this project will provide managers with an understanding of specific and regional impacting factors that contribute to impact variation in population trends.