Capulin Mountain - view looking toward the mountain

Detailed Description
This view is looking toward Capulin Mountain. "Capulin Volcano National Monument was established in 1916 to preserve this striking example of a volcanic cinder cone" (National Park Service, 1998, as cited by U. S. Geological Survey, 2008). The volcanism that formed Capulin Mountain (volcano) was the youngest phase of volcanism in the greater Rayton-Clayton Volcanic Field in northeastern New Mexico. Volcanism in the region began about 9 million years ago and eruptive periods continued intermittently until the youngest, the Capulin phase, took place beginning about 1.68 million years ago (Stroud, 1997). Based on radiometric ages, the Capulin Cinder cone formed about, 56,000 years ago (Aubele and Crumpler, 2001). Although Capulin Mountain is considered no longer active, because of its excellent condition, the cinder cone is considered one of the best and most accessible examples of a cinder cone in North America (Stormer, 1987).
Public Domain.