Collect water chemistry and invertebrates at a degrading trough pond
Detailed Description
Researchers collect water chemistry and invertebrates from a degrading trough pond.
Public Domain.
Q&A: Legacy Research Data
The term “legacy data” refers to project data that are complete, or may be resurrected in the future, that were previously stored in old or obsolete formats and thus, difficult to access. These data are an important record of past ecosystem status and part of the USGS commitment to deliver actionable information relevant to decision makers. Here, we discuss these data with the Alaska Science...
Arctic Coastal Plain Studies
The Arctic Coastal Plain (ACP) is a large region of low-lying, lake-rich land on the North Slope of Alaska. This region is underlain by thick ground ice, which is susceptible to erosion and thaw. These physical changes are likely to alter ecosystems by changing the availability of habitats and food resources upon which wildlife depends. Our studies on the ACP aim to understand the link between...
Q&A: Legacy Research Data
The term “legacy data” refers to project data that are complete, or may be resurrected in the future, that were previously stored in old or obsolete formats and thus, difficult to access. These data are an important record of past ecosystem status and part of the USGS commitment to deliver actionable information relevant to decision makers. Here, we discuss these data with the Alaska Science...
Arctic Coastal Plain Studies
The Arctic Coastal Plain (ACP) is a large region of low-lying, lake-rich land on the North Slope of Alaska. This region is underlain by thick ground ice, which is susceptible to erosion and thaw. These physical changes are likely to alter ecosystems by changing the availability of habitats and food resources upon which wildlife depends. Our studies on the ACP aim to understand the link between...