Colorado River, Grand Canyon, River Mile 61.4, Little Colorado River, Across Canyon View from River Right, 1992
Detailed Description
January 5, 1992: Colorado River, Grand Canyon, River Mile 61.4, Little Colorado River, Across Canyon View from River Right. Low clouds and snow blanketed the cliffs opposite the camera station when this image was taken, creating difficult matching conditions. The match is slightly off, making comparison of the vegetation in the near foreground difficult, although some Mormon tea have persisted the century. The muddy brown water of the Little Colorado River as it flows into the green Colorado is clearly visible, as the combined waters flow past the gravel bar, which has shifted over the course of the past century. Brittlebush, grizzlybear pricklypear, catclaw, and Mormon tea are scattered across the slope, while riparian shrubs, likely arrowweed, have become established on the gravel bar. A few tamarisk are growing along river left, just upstream of the confluence. Stake no. s1427b in the Southwest Repeat Photography Collection. Photo credit: Steve Tharnstrom.
Public Domain.