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Drew Fowler

Detailed Description

Dr. Fowler joined the Louisiana Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit in 2022 and serves as an Assistant Unit Leader and Adjunct Assistant Professor in the School of Renewable Natural Resources at Louisiana State University. Prior to joining the Louisiana Unit, Dr. Fowler received his M.S. degree from Louisiana State University, his PhD from the University of Missouri, and was a research scientist at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. His overarching research efforts focus on the ecology and management of wetland dependent birds, particularly waterfowl, as well as the management and conservation of diverse wetland systems.   In addressing the effects of anthropogenic impacts to wetlands, Dr. Fowler takes a process-based approach to understand biotic and abiotic drivers that influence wetland function and how wetland dependent taxa in turn respond.  Dr. Fowler has interests in teaching Wetland and wildlife ecology, Waterfowl ecology and management, and Applications of stable isotope ecology.  


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