Handheld Underwater Suction Sampler_tn.png

Detailed Description
The patented “Handheld Underwater Suction Sampler” is shown here with a sample collection net attached. The sampler was initially called the "Vasco Explorer." USGS biologists from Flagstaff, Arizona, are researching food sources for fish such as the rainbow trout, which are stocked in the Glen Canyon stretch of the Colorado River. The device is being used to collect samples of periphyton and invertebrates, potential food sources for fish. The diver in this video is Glen Black, Dive Safety Officer, from the USGS Great Lakes Science Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan. This video was taken at a depth of approximately 15 feet in the Colorado River, with a discharge rate from 10,000 to 20,000 cubic feet per second.
Public Domain.