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Last 24 Hours - Live image of Kaluapele (Kīlauea caldera) from Uēkahuna bluff [K2cam]

Webcam image
Note: Image comes from an external source

Detailed Description

Last 24 Hours - This image is from a research camera on the bluff at Uēkahuna, overlooking Kaluapele, the summit caldera of Kīlauea.  This camera is a pan-tilt-zoom model and the view may change depending on activity [K2cam]. 

Disclaimer: The webcams are operational 24/7 and faithfully record the dark of night if there are no sources of incandescence or other lights. Thermal webcams record heat rather than light and get better views through volcanic gas. At times, clouds and rain obscure visibility. The cameras are subject to sporadic breakdown, and may not be repaired immediately. Some cameras are observing an area that is off-limits to the general public because of significant volcanic hazards.


Public Domain.

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