Mad River near Arcata, 11481000, photo by Travis Apo
Detailed Description
Travis Apo photo cred. Mad River near Arcata, 11481000. Highwater mark, shot in with levels this day. One of the low water staffs broken off and, in the bushes, center of photo. CSG's exceeded. Provisional discharge is 53,900 cfs. Highest discharge since 1997. Gage height recorded was 27.31 ft., highest since 1964.
Public Domain.
Travis Apo photo cred. Mad River nr Arcata, 11481000. Highwater mark, shot in with levels this day. One of the low water staffs broken off and, in the bushes, center of photo. CSG's exceeded. Provisional discharge is 53,900 cfs. Highest discharge since 1997. Gage height recorded was 27.31 ft., highest since 1964.