NHD Newsletter Vol 20, Issue 5/6 Figure 1 Extent of WBD HU4 0109
Detailed Description
Figure 1. Extent of WBD HU4 0109. Red arrows depict general flow direction within this frontal coastal area.
WBD 4-digit Hydrologic Unit (HU4) 0109 represents the coastal drainage areas along the Massachusetts and Rhode Island coast extending from the Merrimack River to the north and the Long Island Sound to the south (Figure 1). Coastal frontal areas within the WBD represent multiple hydrologic systems that contribute to the same coastal feature such as a particular ocean, bay or sound. Currently, WBDHU4 0109 has areas contributing flow to both the Atlantic Ocean and Long Island Sound (Figure 1).
From article - WBD HU4 0109 Massachusetts-Rhode Island Coastal Updates
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