Offset Cinder Cone

Detailed Description
Cinder Cone, a small volcanic hill, is located in the bottom right corner near the West Side Road (this view is located in southern Death Valley near the intersection of Highway 178 and the West Side Road - both roads are visible). This view shows how this relatively young volcano has split in half along the Death Valley Fault since the time of its formation, with the larger remnant has moved about 300 feet to the north relative to the smaller remnant on the east side of the fault (Hildreth, 1976; Spear, 2010). The top of the image shows a classic incised "pediment." A pediment is a gently inclined erosional surface carved into bedrock, thinly veneered with fluvial gravel, developed at the foot of mountains. Scale (1:48,000); north is to the left.
Public Domain.