Photographs and photomicrographs from a Common Raccoon (Procyon lotor) found dead in Wisconsin
Detailed Description
Photographs and photomicrographs from a Common Raccoon (Procyon lotor) found dead in Wisconsin, USA. (A) There is green-gray mucoid discharge around the eyes and the nasal planum is crusty (arrows). (B) The left cranial lung lobe is diffusely tan and consolidated (asterisk). (C) Airways are filled with inflammatory cells, most of which are macrophages and neutrophils (arrows). The interstitium is multifocally, moderately to markedly thickened. H&E stain. (D) An eosinophilic intracytoplasmic viral inclusion (short arrow) is present in a multinucleated syncytial cell (long arrow). H&E stain.
Public Domain.