Polar bear mother and two cubs on the Beaufort Sea ice.
Detailed Description
Polar bear mother and two cubs on the Beaufort Sea ice.
Ecological Applications of Stable Isotopes
Environmental contaminants of natural and anthropogenic origin represent a major stressor to ecosystems, including human and wildlife populations. FORT scientists are studying these stressors in order to understand the contaminant cycling under natural environmental conditions. Stable isotope techniques are extremely useful in resolving trophic pathways by which contaminants become bioavailable...
Ecological Applications of Stable Isotopes
Environmental contaminants of natural and anthropogenic origin represent a major stressor to ecosystems, including human and wildlife populations. FORT scientists are studying these stressors in order to understand the contaminant cycling under natural environmental conditions. Stable isotope techniques are extremely useful in resolving trophic pathways by which contaminants become bioavailable...