Streambed sediment sampling
Detailed Description
Manually collecting a streambed sediment sample using a ponar sampler
Public Domain.
San Antonio River Sediment and Water Quality Monitoring in an Oil and Gas Production Area
During 2011-2013, baseline concentrations of many different water and streambed-sediment constituents were determined at Phase I sites upstream from, within, and downstream from the area of active oil and natural-gas production within the San Antonio River Basin. With baseline conditions previously established, this study will provide current information that couples recent water and stream-bed...
Sediment Science in Oklahoma and Texas
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has identified sediment as a leading cause of impairment in the Nation’s rivers and streams. Excessive sedimentation degrades aquatic habitat; reduces longevity of water-supply, flood-control reservoirs; and is the primary transport mechanism of toxic organic chemicals, heavy metals, and nutrients. The USGS Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center (OTWSC)...
San Antonio River Sediment and Water Quality Monitoring in an Oil and Gas Production Area
During 2011-2013, baseline concentrations of many different water and streambed-sediment constituents were determined at Phase I sites upstream from, within, and downstream from the area of active oil and natural-gas production within the San Antonio River Basin. With baseline conditions previously established, this study will provide current information that couples recent water and stream-bed...
Sediment Science in Oklahoma and Texas
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has identified sediment as a leading cause of impairment in the Nation’s rivers and streams. Excessive sedimentation degrades aquatic habitat; reduces longevity of water-supply, flood-control reservoirs; and is the primary transport mechanism of toxic organic chemicals, heavy metals, and nutrients. The USGS Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center (OTWSC)...