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Studies of contaminant biogeochemistry and microbial processes in surface sediments.

2006 (approx.)

Detailed Description

Left:  USGS Employee Sherry Wren removing a square meter of surface sediment in pickleweed dominated marsh along the Petaluma River (California), for a study designed to investigate the role of marsh plant root zone on the cycling of mercury. Photographer: L. Windham-Myers. Date: 4/4/2006

Middle: Long sediment core being sub-sampled to identify peaks of mercury deposition in Alviso Slough (South San Francisco Bay, CA) associated with historic mercury mining activities in the upper watershed. Photographer: M. Marvin-DiPasquale. Date: 2/27/2007

Right: Close-up image of a 4 cm surface sediment paddy collected in pickleweed dominated saltmarsh along the Petaluma River (California), for a study designed to investigate the role of marsh plant root zone on the cycling of mercury. Photographer: L. Windham-Myers. Date: 4/4/2006


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