Two Olive-sided Flycatcher nestlings

Detailed Description
Two Olive-sided Flycatcher nestlings. Broods usually contain 2-4 eggs and chicks. Alaska nests are often built in black spruce habitat in live trees. Nests constructed of sticks and lined with lichen. Their global population has declined by 78% since 1970. A study, led by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game's Threatened, Endangered, and Diversity Program, tracked for the first time this species' migration from its boreal forest breeding areas in Alaska to Neotropical wintering areas in northwestern South America and back again. Birds migrated 23,555-km (14,636 miles) each year, one of the longest documented songbird migrations. The paper was published in Animal Migration as part of a special collection entitled "Arctic Migrations in a Changing World" and is available at: Copyright: Photo taken by Julie Hagelin, Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
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