USGS scientists participate in a panel as part of the Tribal Engagement Series
Detailed Description
USGS scientists lead a panel at the USGS Open House held in Albuquerque at the Southwest Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI) on Tuesday September 26, as part of a series of Tribal engagement events on drought. This event invited Indigenous students, Tribal Governments, and USGS scientists to meet and discuss drought issues and included tables and interactive engagement with USGS scientists, an introduction to USGS drought science expertise and examples of projects in collaboration with Tribal Nations, and a panel discussion. Listening sessions with USGS scientists and Tribal Governments designed towards identifying areas for technical assistance, training, and co-production of science will follow this fall and winter.
Contact: Jessica Driscoll, RMR, for more information on the event. Photo by Jessica Driscoll (USGS)
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