A2 West Transect – 2013
Detailed Description
Permanent Site: A2 West Transect; Depth: 12.9 Meters (Feet 42.3); Distance from river mouth: Kilometers 1.8 (1.1 Miles); Pre/Post Dam Removal: 2 years post-dam removal; Lat/Long: 48.14130295, -123.5883331; Site Description: One of our deeper sites at over 40 feet. Sediment is primarily sand/sandy mud with scattered boulders. Seaweeds continue to be scarce and mainly consist of the species Agarum fimbriatum (0:35 seconds) growing on boulders. Bivalves were abundant, especially the truncate softshell clam Mya truncata (0:52 seconds) and geoduck Panopea generosa (1:03, 1:14 seconds). Other invertebrates seen on video: hermit crab Pagurus kennerlyi (0:21 seconds), stubby rose anemone Urticina coriacea (1:21 seconds), feather duster tubeworm Schizobranchia insignis (1:31 seconds). Elwha River Nearshore, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington, USA
Public Domain.