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California Geological Survey response to landsliding during the 2023 – 2024 winter storm season in California

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From mid November 2023 until late March 2024, sixteen atmospheric river events impacted California, resulting in water year-to-date precipitation accumulations varying from more than 200 to 300% above average across selected areas of the state. Similar to the 2022 – 2023 winter storm season, California experienced historic flooding and multi-modal landslide activity that damaged transportation infrastructure, homes, property, and threatened life-safety and economic welfare across the state. California Geological Survey (CGS) staff worked to provide situational awareness of statewide landslide hazards to the State Geologist through partnership with various government and community sources. CGS leveraged its Reported Landslides Database (RLD) mapping tools for desktop and field surveying to rapidly identify areas of observed landslide impacts. The RLD mapping team identified more than 600 landslides, resulting in deployment of field teams to provide further assistance to hardest hit areas. CGS utilized these data to guide ongoing support of partner agency response to landslide hazards statewide.

This talk will explore how the RLD can be applied as a tool before during and after landslide response work, and also highlight some particularly notable landslide events that occurred in California this past winter.





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