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H2 West Transect – 2013

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Detailed Description

Permanent Site: H2 West Transect; Depth: 7.4 Meters (24.3 Feet); Distance from river mouth: 2.6 Kilometers (1.6 Miles) east; Pre/Post Dam Removal: 2 years post-dam removal; Lat/Long: 48.15008216,-123.53277857; Site Description: This site is medium to shallow depth. Substrate is mainly gravel with some sand, cobble and an occasional boulder and has not changed since dam removal. Density of seaweed is still greatly decreased. Red and brown seaweed is present but most are very small (0:28 seconds). Of the larger browns, only the perennial seaweed Pterygophora californica (0:36, 0:51 seconds), a few Saccharina and Alaria marginata (1:11 seconds) remain. Invertebrates seen on video: red rock crab Cancer productus (1:01 seconds); sunflower sea star Pycnopodia helianthoides (1:38 seconds); sand-rose anemone Urticina columbiana (1:45 seconds).




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