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New Water Cycle Diagram REVEALED

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After over 2 decades, the USGS Water Resources Mission Area revealed a new Water Cycle Diagram during a virtual release party, Stories of the Water Cycle, held on Thursday, October 13th at 6:30 pm ET. The updated, comprehensive diagram depicts how Earth’s water is stored and moves, both naturally and because of human action. During this event, USGS scientists gave 5-minute lightning talks, demonstrating the importance of USGS science as fundamental to this new diagram and to our understanding of water availability.

00:00:00 Welcome to Stories of the Water Cycle

00:02:21 Opening remarks by Tanya Trujillo

00:07:18 Live poll: In which state do you live?

00:09:10 Why a new diagram?

00:13:58 Live poll: Have you used any USGS resources in the past?

00:16:28 Drippy’s Journey through the water cycle begins

00:17:49 Andy Creighton’s lightning talk: Snow to Flow

00:25:17 Marty Briggs’s lightning talk: Headwaters & Reservoirs

00:32:29 Jon Dillow & Marina Metes’s lightning talk: Suburban & Urban

00:39:55 Kelly Warner’s lightning talk: Agriculture


00:48:04 Behind the scenes of the diagram design

01:02:03 Live poll: How does the new diagram make you think differently about the water cycle?

01:05:20 Live Q&A

01:24:00 Closing remarks & raffle winners announced

Didn’t get a chance to attend this live? Want a poster copy of the diagram? Download the new diagram here and check out the zoomable version here.

To design products like this new water cycle diagram, we embrace user-centered design which means we ask YOU, our users, for your input. If you are interested in participating in our user-centered design and providing feedback about the water cycle diagram or other USGS Water products email us at If you want to learn more about how we incorporate user-centered design, check out our blog.




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