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White River at Hazleton, IN, bank full conditions

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Detailed Description

This video clip was captured from a boat while collecting water quality samples on  the White River on April 20th, 2011.  The gage height at the time was 17.39* feet and discharge was 32,900* cubic feet per second.  The conditions seen here are considered bank full, which is the point at which the flow of the river completely fills river channel.  Increased flow after bank full conditions cause water to spill over into adjacent floodplains.  On April 27th, one week later, gage height was at 28.17* feet and discharge was measured to be 162,000* cubic feet per second, which exceeds the “high” threshold for this site.  Learn more about this site, including checking on real-time water levels and water quality parameters at:

*Provisional data

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