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TRAILS (Trail Routing, Analysis and Information Linkage System) Tricks: removing user-added layers

Learn how to remove user-added layers in TRAILS. 

Remove User-added layer
The image shows a user-added layer in the legend and in the map view with a red cross-hatch over it to indicate the removal.


TRAILS application allows to bring in user-added layers to visualize in the map view for project references or to participate in the analysis. Once the custom layer is added successfully it gets displayed in the list of layers and in the legend. However, it can be tricky to find how to remove a user-added layer at first. To do so:  

  1. Go to the “Add Data” panel. 

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the panel and find the name of the user-added layer. Then click on the link that says USER-ADDED LAYERS. 

  1. A new panel will open with all user-added layers listed. Here you can click on the trash icon to remove a layer of interest. 

Steps to remove user layers
The image shows steps necessary to complete to remove user-added layers in TRAILS. One is to open Add Data panel. Two is to open link to view custom layers. Three is to click on the trash icon to remove the layer.
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