Better performance and new features: landslides and liquefaction estimates, population map layer, Spanish Did You Feel It?, and aftershock forecasts.
We recently noticed that the increasing web traffic we’ve been getting after a significant earthquake was impacting our website performance. This meant that some webpages were slow to load, and a few were not displaying at all for brief time windows. The USGS is committed to delivering accurate and timely natural hazards information, so we’ve been working on our website to improve your experience after a significant earthquake, no matter how many web visitors we have at the same time.
We’re also adding some new features to the event pages:
- a population layer on the interactive map
- a Spanish version of the Did You Feel It? form
- landslide and liquefaction probabilities from shaking for some events
- aftershock forecasts for some events
To preview what we’ve been up to, please visit the beta event pages link on any event page.
Ground failure products are available for these events:
An example Aftershock forecast is available for this historic event:
Example 1: 1989 Loma Prieta event
Feedback of any kind is always welcome using the questions or comments link at the bottom of every page.
For technical users and programmers, the source code for the event pages and most other earthquake applications is open source and available publicly on GitHub ( Anyone is welcome to view or comment on the projects, or even contribute code changes via a pull request.
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