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Good Morning America highlights sea lamprey photographed at the GLSC’s Hammond Bay Biological Station

December 16, 2020

Good Morning America (ABC) highlighted National Geographic's cover story on the Great Lakes for their December 2020 issue. GLSC's Hammond Bay Biological Station put a spotlight on its Sea Lamprey research during a 2019 photo shoot.

Live Sea Lamprey at the Hammond Bay Biological Station
National Geographic photographer, Keith Ladzinski (right), and assistant, Angie Payne (left), hold live sea lamprey while visiting the GLSC’s Hammond Bay Biological Station during September 2019. An interview of Keith aired on Good Morning America on November 21, 2020, which included footage from their visit to the station. GLSC communications associate, Dr. Andrea Miehls, assisted with the photography session and was included in some of the interview footage.

Sea lamprey photographed at the GLSC’s Hammond Bay Biological Station were highlighted in a Good Morning America interview of Keith Ladzinski, the photographer for the National Geographic Magazine December 2020 cover story about the Great Lakes. During the two-minute clip, Keith described his experiences photographing the story and the success of sea lamprey control in the Great Lakes. The interview includes footage from Ladzinski’s visit to the station during September 2019 where he was assisted by GLSC/Great Lakes Fishery Commission communications associate, Dr. Andrea Miehls (GLSC, Millersburg, Michigan). Miehls makes a brief appearance in the interview footage while holding a toothy sea lamprey. The interview aired on Saturday, November 21, 2020, and is available online at

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