Dr. Isabelle M. Cozzarelli received the U.S. Department of Interior's second highest honorary award—the 2017 Meritorious Service Award—for her numerous contributions to understanding the biogeochemical controls of contaminant degradation in groundwater and near-surface environments.
The Meritorious Service Award is granted to employees of the Department of the Interior for important contributions to science or management, a notable career, superior service in administration or in the execution of duties, or initiative in devising new and improved work methods and procedures.
Dr. Cozzarelli (pictured above, far right) is recognized nationally and internationally for her investigations of coupled hydrological, microbiological, and geochemical processes that have resulted in numerous highly cited publications on organic contaminant degradation. Her research has directly benefitted the prioritization of contaminated sites for cleanup and the design of optimal cleanup strategies, in particular the application of natural attenuation and bioremediation. Dr. Cozzarelli and her team are addressing potential risks of human and wildlife exposure and effects to contaminants through a combination of laboratory and field research on processes that affect the fate of organic and inorganic constituents. Dr. Cozzarelli is also dedicated to guiding junior scientists in their research careers at the U.S. Geological Survey.
Read more about Dr. Cozzarelli's award here.
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