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Media Advisory: USGS to Host Congressional Briefing: Earthquake Science and Remaining Mysteries

February 20, 2014

It's 1964 in Alaska. Imagine 4.5 minutes of powerful ground shaking underneath you from a magnitude 9.2 earthquake. You and your loved ones are then faced with resulting landslides and a devastating tsunami. You just experienced the largest earthquake ever recorded in North America. 

It's 1964 in Alaska. Imagine 4.5 minutes of powerful ground shaking underneath you from a magnitude 9.2 earthquake. You and your loved ones are then faced with resulting landslides and a devastating tsunami. You just experienced the largest earthquake ever recorded in North America. In that moment, scientists did not know how or why it occurred.

That event marked a turning point for earthquake science. Come learn about the great leaps in research over the last 50 years, and the research still underway to understand the remaining mysteries of earthquake hazards.

It is essential to start with science, because we can't plan if we don’t know what we are planning for.


The USGS and the Hazards Caucus Alliance invite you to a congressional briefing on exploring earthquakes, focusing on analysis of the past and essential science still needed to protect lives and property.


 Friday, February 28, 2014
10:00 a.m.


Rayburn House Office Building
Room 2325
Washington, D.C.


David Applegate, U.S. Geological Survey
Peter Haeussler, U.S. Geological Survey
Tom Jordan, Seismological Society of America
John Schelling, Washington State Military Department's Emergency Management Division


American Geosciences Institute
American Geophysical Union
Geological Society of America
Seismological Society of America


Please send your RSVP to Jessica Robertson at if you plan to attend.

Refreshments will be provided courtesy of the Seismological Society of America.

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