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National species data for CONUS are now available

September 14, 2018


The largest data release in the 20+ year Gap Analysis effort in the number of data layers and extent. Over 1,700 species/subspecies known range and predicted habitat maps for terrestrial vertebrates covering the conterminous United States.

Elk nursery
Elk nursery.

The largest data release in the 20+ year Gap Analysis effort in the number of data layers and extent. Over 1,700 species/subspecies known range and predicted habitat maps for terrestrial vertebrates covering the conterminous United States. Known range maps are based on modified subwatersheds and contain information on occurrence (extant, possibly present, potentially present, extirpated), season (year-round, summer, winter, migratory, vagrant), origin (native, introduced, reintroduced, vagrant) and reproductive use (breeding, non-breeding, both). Predicted habitat maps are generated by deductive models based on expert opinion and primary literature. Over 5,600 sub-models were created representing each species’ seasonal habitat use within 6 physiographic regions (northwest, southwest, great plains, midwest, northeast and southeast).

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