Opportunity to Comment on Mount Rainier Lahar Detection and Seismic Monitoring System
Expansion of the lahar detection system at Mount Rainier will improve the Cascades Volcano Observatory's overall volcano monitoring and lahar detection capacity and provide more rapid notification to the immediate area and surrounding communities.
Mount Rainier is an active volcano located within Mount Rainier National Park. The mountain poses significant volcanic, landslide, and flooding hazards to park visitors, National Park Service employees, and neighboring communities.
As part of a broader effort to implement a more robust lahar detection system for Mount Rainier, the Cascades Volcano Observatory submitted a permit request to increase the existing seismic monitoring system inside Mount Rainier National Park. The National Park Service issued an Environmental Assessment for the request, open for public review and comment through July 9, 2021. The Environmental Assessment is available at the NPS Planning, Environment, and Public Comment (PEPC) website.
A virtual public meeting for those interested in learning more about the monitoring system is scheduled for Wednesday, June 9, 2021 from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm Pacific time. There will be a short presentation on the monitoring system at 4:30 pm, and park staff will be available to answer questions. The virtual meeting can be accessed through the project website.
To learn more about monitoring lahars at Mount Rainier, visit this CVO website.
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